Termékek munkavállalói cserék (129)

Magas minőségű munkanadrág oldalsó zsebekkel

Magas minőségű munkanadrág oldalsó zsebekkel

Pantalone per artigiani e industria, tessuto di alta qualita', tasche laterali - Pantalone da lavoro per artigianato ed industria, tessuto resistente e morbido di alta qualita', tasche laterali,ampia gamma di colori, taglie a scelta. Il pantalone da lavoro con tasche laterali e' personalizzabile con scritta o logo aziendale anche per piccole quantita'. Personalizzazione a KM 0 interna all'azienda. Contattaci per un preventivo. Minima quantita:no minimi Taglie :XS S M L XL XXL XXXL prezzi:a preventivo
Munkaruha munkásoknak és műhelyeknek - Védő munkaruha ipar számára, kézművességhez, munkásoknak és műhelyeknek

Munkaruha munkásoknak és műhelyeknek - Védő munkaruha ipar számára, kézművességhez, munkásoknak és műhelyeknek

Tuta da lavoro protettiva ideale per operaio e officina personalizzata con scritta o logo, chiusura con cerniera centrale coperta, elastico in vita posteriore, inserti su spalle e maniche e profilo al petto di colore arancio, collo a camicia con sottocollo di colore arancio, 2 tasche anteriori interne chiuse con punto di velcro, 2 taschini al petto applicati chiusi con cerniera coperta da aletta, elastico ai polsi. Personalizzabile con stampa termo applicata o ricamo fino a 9 colori. Quantita':no minimi Taglie :XS S M L XL XXL XXXL Listino:a preventivo
Személyre Szabott Tunika Esztétikai Központok Számára - Rugalmas Anyagú Tunika Esztétikai és Wellness Központok Számára Logóval

Személyre Szabott Tunika Esztétikai Központok Számára - Rugalmas Anyagú Tunika Esztétikai és Wellness Központok Számára Logóval

Scamiciato donna per centri estetici, beauty & wellness, in tessuto elasticizzato e confortevole, lacci in vita davanti dietro, tasca applicata sul davanti sinistro e profilo in contrasto. Personalizzabile con ricamo fino a 9 colori, stampa, strass, Swarovski Quantità minima:No minimi Tempi di consegna:5/7 giorni Prezzo:A preventivo
HILALSAN vágógép

HILALSAN vágógép

La nostra macchina da taglio è progettata per il taglio della lamiera con precisione ed efficienza. Il suo design avanzato consente tagli puliti senza distorsioni, rendendola ideale per varie applicazioni. Questa macchina è adatta sia per operazioni su piccola scala che su larga scala, offrendo versatilità nella produzione. Con la sua costruzione durevole e facile da usare, la macchina da taglio è uno strumento essenziale per qualsiasi officina di lavorazione dei metalli.
Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Sidergamma offre l`opportunità di fornire materiale lavorato secondo disegno del cliente. Le barre e i tubi lavorati su disegno sono ideali per applicazioni in ambito idraulico, oleodinamico e pneumatico, ma anche per numerosi altri settori industriali. Realizzati in materiali di alta qualità, come acciaio al carbonio, acciaio inox e leghe speciali, questi componenti sono sottoposti a rigorosi processi di controllo qualità, tra cui trattamenti termici, rettificatura, cromatura e pelatura, per garantire resistenza, durevolezza e performance elevate. Il nostro approccio personalizzato consente di creare tubi e barre su misura che rispettano al massimo le tolleranze richieste e le specifiche di resistenza a sollecitazioni meccaniche e corrosione. Siamo in grado di produrre componenti di diverse lunghezze, diametri e configurazioni, con un controllo costante della rugosità superficiale, della qualità cromatica e della resistenza alla corrosione. Vantaggi principali: Produzione su misura in base al disegno cliente Ampia scelta di materiali ad alta resistenza (acciaio inox, acciaio al carbonio, leghe speciali) Lavorazioni precise e personalizzate per applicazioni industriali complesse Eccellente resistenza alla corrosione grazie ai trattamenti di cromatura e pelatura Elevata qualità garantita da certificazioni UNI ISO 9001:2015 Se cercate barre e tubi lavorati con tolleranze strette e specifiche particolari per il vostro settore, Sidergamma è il partner ideale per realizzare soluzioni su misura che rispondano alle vostre esigenze di precisione e qualità.
Gammplus Inox® - Köszörült és krómozott rozsdamentes acél rudak

Gammplus Inox® - Köszörült és krómozott rozsdamentes acél rudak

Gradi disponibili AISI 304/316/431 Fino a 2000 ore di resistenza alla corrosione NSS ISO 9227 Rating 9 ISO 10.289 Riporto di cromo standard ≥ 20µm Acciai disponibili:AISI 304/316/431
Zefiro Két Kimenetű Légkondicionáló

Zefiro Két Kimenetű Légkondicionáló

ZEFIRO is the new dual discharge air cooler for refrigeration applications, especially for processing rooms or environments that require a double flow of air. Machine height (slim):280 ÷ 500 mm (depending on fans) 3 fin spacing:3 – 4,5 – 7 mm Fan size:Ø 250 – 315 – 350 – 450 mm DT 8K Capacity:1 ÷ 55 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 4
Scirocco W Asztali Száraz Hűtő

Scirocco W Asztali Száraz Hűtő

SCIROCCO W is the new tabletype dry cooler for refrigeration, conditioning and industrial process applications. Machine length:0,5 ÷ 12,5 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 350 – 500 – 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:10 ÷ 1.000 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 16
Zonda C V-típusú egysoros kondenzátor

Zonda C V-típusú egysoros kondenzátor

ZONDA C is the Vtype condenser allow heat exchange designed for environments where dimensional restraints are important or visibility on the roofs is limited. Machine length:1,5 ÷ 11,4 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:23 ÷ 1180 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 8
Ostro C V-Típusú Kétsoros Kondenzátor

Ostro C V-Típusú Kétsoros Kondenzátor

OSTRO C is the Vtype condenser for high power refrigeration, air conditioning and industrial processes. OSTRO can be configured in 3 solutions Dry, Spray and Pad. In the Spray and Pad versions with water injection, the power increases are very significant and guarantee a legionnellafree solution. OSTRO can be used with a complete range of ventilations and refrigerants. Machine length:up to 12,5 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 800 – 900 – 1000 mm Number of fans:1 ÷ 18
Zonda V-Típus Egysoros Száraz Hűtő

Zonda V-Típus Egysoros Száraz Hűtő

ZONDA is the new Vtype singlerow dry cooler allow heat exchange designed for limited space availability or visibility on the roofs. Machine length:1,5 ÷ 11,4 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:20 ÷ 800 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 8
Scirocco C asztali kondenzátor

Scirocco C asztali kondenzátor

SCIROCCO C is the new tabletype condenser for refrigeration, conditioning and industrial process applications. Machine length:0,5 ÷ 12,5 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 350 – 500 – 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:5 ÷ 1.430 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 16
Breeze Dőlt Légkondicionáló

Breeze Dőlt Légkondicionáló

BREEZE is the new angled air cooler for commercial refrigeration, in particular for small cold rooms. Machine height (slim):256 mm 3 fin spacing:3 – 4,5 – 7 mm Fan size:Ø 250 – 315 mm DT 8K Capacity:0,8 ÷ 10 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 3


MODELLO WIN VIS CLASSIFICAZIONE DPI II categoria STANDARD EN 166:2001 COLORE TRASPARENTE MATERIALE PETG polietilene, poliuretano e v elcro PRODUTTORE W.I.P. S.r.l. V ial e Parioli 12 Roma CERTIFICATO CE AC 20156 Certottica Scrl del 05/06/2020 CONFEZIONE 5 PCS MODALITA’ D’USO Lo schermo facciale deve essere indossato con la fascia girotesta in posizione orizzontale come da foto
Magasan légáteresztő nem steril eldobható sapka - Eldobható klipszes sapka

Magasan légáteresztő nem steril eldobható sapka - Eldobható klipszes sapka

Cuffietta monouso clip altamente traspirante in TNT non sterile. Resistente, inodore, alta vestibilità. Elastico di tenuta lungo la cinconferenza. Dispositivo medico di classe I ai sensi del REgolamento (UE) 2017/745 relativo ai dispositivi medici che abroga le direttive 93/42/CEE Pezzi per cartone 1000 Scatole per cartone 10 Pezzi per scatola 100 Cartoni per bancale 70 Lunghezza cartone 25 cm Larghezza cartone 33 cm Altezza cartone 25 cm Peso lordo cartone 2KG Colori disponibili codici : CLIPBIA, CLIPBLU, CLIPRED, CLIPVER MISURA : UNICA


Divisa monouso non sterile in SMS. Casacca con collo a V, allacciatura in vita regolabile, 3 tasche. Idoneo per uso ambulatoriale e medicazione. Odontoiatrico Sanitario Dispositivo Medico di classe I ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2017/745 del 5 aprile 2017 relativo ai dispositivi medici che abroga le direttive 90/385/CEE e 93/42/CEE. CODICE: NW SUIT6 COLORE: BLU CLASSE DISPOSITIVO MEDICO: I CODICE CND EMDN: T0205 CONFEZIONAMENTI Pezzi per cartone 50 Confezione per cartone: 50 Pezzi per confezionato singolarmente 1 Cartoni per bancale 25 Lunghezza cartone 31cm Larghezza cartone 46cm Altezza cartone 33cm Peso lordo cartone: 5Kg Gardening S.
Bordázott tekercses hőcserélők

Bordázott tekercses hőcserélők

Our company has been manufacturing finned coil heat exchangers for over 40 years. The design of each finned pack can be totally developed inhouse by Stefani or taken from a drawing supplied by our customer. This is possible thanks to a strategic coengineering service, which is necessary especially when developing specific designs. In the design and manufacture of our finned coil heat exchangers we put all the flexibility and competence that have always been the hallmark of our work. We make customised finned packs for production in batches, dedicated to the machines of our OEM customers and, in general, to data centres, air treatment units for industrial refrigeration, industrial and commercial air conditions and condensing units for refrigeration.
Borea Kereskedelmi Kocka Légkondicionáló

Borea Kereskedelmi Kocka Légkondicionáló

The new commercial cubic air cooler BOREA is the first project developed according to Stefani’s new philosophy. The company redesigned its heat exchangers to obtain maximum efficiency and thermodynamic performance. There are 192 models and plenty of accessories in the range, including water defrosting for the largest commercial sizes. Machine length:675 ÷ 4000 mm 5 fin spacing:4 – 5,5 – 6,5 – 7,5 – 9 mm Fan size:Ø 250 – 315 – 350 – 450 – 500 mm DT 8K Capacity:1 ÷ 60 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 4
Munkásnadrág - Szolgáltatási nadrág

Munkásnadrág - Szolgáltatási nadrág

Pantalone da servizio protezione individuale.
Személyre szabott munkaruha kézműipar számára

Személyre szabott munkaruha kézműipar számára

Indumenti personalizzati professionali per lavoratori, industria, artigianato - Indumenti personalizzati per l'industria e l'artigianato, ampia gamma di modelli con pantaloni, gilet smanicati, giacche, salopette, tute da lavoro, felpe e tanto altro. Tutti personalizzabili direttamente nei nostri laboratori con ricamo, stampa serigrafica, stampa termoapplicata, borchie, strass, toppe e patches cuciti, e su richiesta anche con etichetta tessuta personalizzata. Non ci sono minimi. Contattaci per un preventivo.
100% minőségi pamut laboratóriumi köpeny - Professzionális munkaköpeny 100% minőségi pamutból

100% minőségi pamut laboratóriumi köpeny - Professzionális munkaköpeny 100% minőségi pamutból

Camice da lavoro professionale, tessuto 100% cotone di qualita', chiusura centrale con bottoni coperti, schiena intera, un taschino applicato al petto sinistro e due tasche inferiori applicate, travette di colore a contrasto. Personalizzabile con stampa termo applicata o ricamo. Taglie a scelta. Minima quantita:no minimi Taglie :XS S M L XL XXL XXXL prezzi:a preventivo
Nehéz téli munkakabát műhelyhez, iparhoz

Nehéz téli munkakabát műhelyhez, iparhoz

Camice in tessuto irrestringibile pesante personalizzato per operai e industria - Camice per operai e saldatori, tessuto irrestringibile pesante, personalizzato per settore industria e artigianato. Chiusura anteriore con bottoni coperti, 1 taschino applicato al petto sinistro e 2 tasche inferiori, polsi con elastico, cuciture di colore a contrasto. La personalizzazione e' con stampa, ricamo o etichetta. Minima quantita:no minimi (consigliati 10pz) Taglie :XS S M L XL XXL XXXL prezzi:a preventivo
Védő nyári munkanadrág zsebekkel és logóval.

Védő nyári munkanadrág zsebekkel és logóval.

Pantaloni da lavoro protettivi per l'estate, con tasche e logo personalizzato. - Pantaloni da lavoro estivi, con protezioni, tasche e logo personalizzato, ampia scelta di modelli e colori. Pantaloni da lavoro ideali per operai e aziende, personalizzabili con logo ricamato o stampato. Quantita':no minimi Taglie :XS S M L XL XXL XXXL Listino:a preventivo


The fan is an essential cooling component for agricultural machinery, ensuring optimal operating temperatures. With a price of 7.00 € + VAT, this fan is designed for efficiency and reliability. Proper cooling is crucial for maintaining the performance of your equipment, and the fan plays a significant role in achieving that. By choosing this component, you are investing in the longevity and efficiency of your agricultural machinery.
fr280 gyökérfúró

fr280 gyökérfúró

The fr280 stump grinder is a professional-grade tool designed for efficient stump removal. Powered by a Honda GX270 engine, this grinder features a centrifugal clutch and oil bath filter for reliable performance. Its adjustable handlebars and sturdy steel casing ensure durability and comfort during operation. With a cutting depth of 20 cm, the FR280 is capable of handling large stumps, making it a valuable asset for landscapers and arborists. Weighing 106 kg, it offers stability and ease of use for effective stump grinding.


The rod is an essential part of agricultural machinery, designed to provide structural support and functionality. Priced at just 1.00 € + VAT, this component is an affordable solution for maintaining your equipment. Its robust construction ensures reliability and longevity, making it a smart investment for both professional and hobbyist users. By choosing the rod, you can ensure that your machinery operates smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on your agricultural tasks without interruptions.


Sod cutters are powerful machines designed to remove grass and soil in strips, making them ideal for landscaping and lawn renovation projects. These tools are essential for creating new garden beds, installing pathways, or preparing areas for new turf. Sod cutters are suitable for both residential and commercial use, offering adjustable cutting depths and widths to accommodate various soil conditions. With their robust construction and reliable engines, sod cutters make landscaping tasks efficient and precise. In addition to their primary function, sod cutters can be used for transplanting sod and creating clean edges around garden beds. The ergonomic design and easy-to-use controls ensure comfort and precision during operation, reducing the physical strain on the user. Whether you're a professional landscaper or a DIY enthusiast, sod cutters are a valuable addition to your landscaping toolkit, helping you achieve professional results with ease.
QL Polisil: Vizes oldatban lévő impregnáló szer beton kezelésére

QL Polisil: Vizes oldatban lévő impregnáló szer beton kezelésére

A sodic impregnating agent of polysilicic acid in aqueous solution (sodium silicate) for anti-dust and protective treatments of concrete flooring and screeds. It drastically reduces the product’s water permeability whilst maintaining the passage of aqueous vapour. Consequently, the resistance to acid attacks and the overall durability of the concrete work increases. A protective treatment for new industrial floors and concrete screeds, both grey and coloured. The supports must be dry, clean and dust-free. Apply QL Polisil by spray, roller or immersion. Between 0.1 and 0.3 kg of QL Polisil per square metre of surface to be treated. Consumption varies depending on the porosity of the structure.
QL Nano Lithium: Kémiai/mechanikai keményítő, pormentes, nano-technológia, nem pelliculáris

QL Nano Lithium: Kémiai/mechanikai keményítő, pormentes, nano-technológia, nem pelliculáris

A non-film chemical/mechanical nano-technological hardener with a base of lithium silicates for cortical consolidation, chemical surface hardening and anti-dust treatment of recently-constructed industrial concrete flooring. QL Nano Lithium must be applied on the surface of the floor, immediately after finishing with mechanical bladed trowels. Once the product has been absorbed, it is possible to polish the treated surface using specific polishing machines. It is the most significant progress in the saturation and the reinforcement of concrete floorings in the last 50 years, it has always been used in the United States. The "nanotechnology" of QL Nano Lithium, which is a real improvement with respect to sodium silicate and extremely performant as a reinforcing agent for concrete, has allowed us to achieve levels of performance that were previously unimaginable. The product also presents the following characteristics: -It significantly limits (90%) the cracks of the flooring during hardening. - This is the only chemical hardener that helps to alleviate and prevent the alkali-silica reaction ( "alkali-aggregate reaction" or ASR). - It completely replaces the armour with quartz dusting. It does not crack, it does not detach, it creates a film, it does not bubble. - The extraordinary contribution to the deep reinforcement, makes the surface of the concrete completely dust-proof and highly resistant to abrasion. The continuous use of the flooring contributes to continuously improving the surface gloss without altering slipperiness in the least. - It is in an aqueous solution and does not contain solvents. It is odourless, non-flammable, non-toxic, it does not fear the freezing and thawing cycles, it is not carcinogenic and does not contain volatile substances (VOC Free) and can also be used in closed premises. - Compatible with other materials like: epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, acrylic resins, etc.. - It is UV resistant and remains stable over time. Anti-dust hardening treatment, for industrial flooring and concrete slabs, both old and new, both grey and coloured. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". In case of new flooring, it can be applied as soon as the surface of the industrial flooring is walkable, without superficial water residue. Shake the product before use. Apply the product by low pressure airless, evenly without creating puddles, completely saturating the surface for a consumption of 70 g/m² approximately. It is advisable, after about 7-10 days, to wash the surface floor polisher provided with a black pad to eliminate any excess product, thus obtaining an elegant semi gloss (opaque) effect of the flooring, by polishing the lithium crystals on the surface. Approximately 0,07 litres of QL Nano Lithium for every square metre of surface to be treated.
Consilex Idrofix: Vízbázisú konszolidáló termék kőhöz, téglához és betonhoz

Consilex Idrofix: Vízbázisú konszolidáló termék kőhöz, téglához és betonhoz

Liquid product based on lithium silicates, which was created for the protective, consolidating and porosity reducer treatment of concrete, mineral, brick and stone substrates. It guarantees optimal durability and adhesion strength, resistance to UV rays, chemical agents and mechanical stresses. The result of the application allows to obtain a rapid hardening of the surface as well as a revived and homogeneous appearance of the same. The product has a negligible environmental impact thanks to the low VOC content (<50 g / l) and is practically odorless. Protective, reinforcing, water repellent treatments of concrete, mineral and stone supports. Specific product for revitalizing, simultaneously providing a great consolidation and an annulment of the dust produced in concrete supports, interstices, brick, stone or mixed arches, present in taverns, public premises and of historic monuments interest. The application surfaces should be clean, free of incrustations, dust etc. A preliminary wash with distilled water or steam it's recommended. The support should be dry when applying. Apply the product as it is, with low pressure sprayer or brush with long bristles. Keep the substrate wet with Consilex Idrofix for at least 20 minutes during application. If applied on floors, wait 24 hours before passing on the treated support. The reinforcing contribution will be completed after 2-3 weeks of treatment. From 0,20 to 1,00 kg of Consilex Idrofix per square meter of surface to be treated, based on the porosity of the support.